Gabriele Leidloff works with video, film, photography and image generating techniques.
She conceptualized and launched the project l o g - i n / l o c k e d  o u t - a Forum of Art and Neuroscience -
The international, multi-year program presents a series of debates, installations, film and video screenings.
l o g - i n / l o c k e d o u t is under the patronage of UNESCO.

Galleries, museums and universities around the world have exhibited Gabriele Leidloff's installations, among them the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts Beirut, National Centre for Contemporary Arts Moscow, New York University Faculty of Arts and Science, Columbia University, New School University, Yale University Digital Media Center for the Arts, The Naughton Gallery at Queen's University Belfast, Academy of Art Szczecin, Museum for Contemporary Art | ZKM Karlsruhe, University of Freiburg, University of Heidelberg, University of Siegen, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Berlin Academy of Arts, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Georg Kolbe Museum, Goethe-Institut Berlin and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.

Reviews and essays on her art have been published in numerous books, such as Dynamics and Performativity of Imagination, Video, ergo sum, video cult/ures, Science Images and Popular Images of the Sciences, Theater der Natur und Kunst, Unscharf. Nach Gerhard Richter, Bild und Einbildungskraft, Frosch und Frankenstein, as well as in catalogues and magazines, e.g. Kunstforum, CIRCA, Gehirn&Geist, Deutschland, NY Arts and dokumentART. Gabriele Leidloff lives in Berlin.

Selected solo and group exhibitions, film screenings

"Momentum Collection@Loop Barcelona", Loop, Barcelona, 2015

"The Filmic Body. Art & Brain in Dialogue", Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Institut für künstlerische Forschung, Potsdam, 2014

"Thresholds", Trafo Center for Contemporary Art, Szczecin, 2013

"Ugly Casting 1.9.", Zona Sztuki Aktualnej, "Stop and Motion", dokumentART, Szczecin, 2013

"Thresholds", Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, 2013

"In Pursuit", Goethe-Zentrum, Rencontres du Film Court, Antananarivo, 2012

"In Pursuit of Face and Object / Art and image generating techniques", Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts, Goethe-Institut Libanon, Beirut, 2012

"The Momentum Collection", Palazzo Albrizzi, Venice, 2011

"Ugly Casting 1.8.", Universität Heidelberg, 2011

"Agency and Automatism, Photography as Art since the 1960s", Tate Modern, London, 2010

"Icon and Index Revisited: Photographic Realism and Medical Imaging Technologies", University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2010

"Childhood Stories", Artneuland / Hadassah, Kunsthalle whiteBOX, München, 2009

"Roentgenogram, X-ray & Photographs", National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Moscow, 2009

"Ugly Casting 1.7.", Zentrum für Informations- und Medientechnologie, Universität Siegen, 2008

"Sur-faces - Marc Didou and Gabriele Leidloff", The Naughton Gallery at Queen's University, Belfast, 2007

"Victory over the Sun", National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Goethe-Institut Moskau, Moscow, 2007

"Ugly Casting", Deutsche Fotografische Akademie, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, 2006

"Image generating techniques and what they do not generate", Universität Freiburg, 2005

"Image and Imagination", New York University, 2005

"Ugly Casting 1.5.", Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 2005

"Das letzte Bildnis", Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin, 2004

"Ugly Casting 1.4.", Goethe-Institut, Berlin, 2004

"Images of the Sciences and Scientists in visual Media", New York University, 2003

"l o g - i n / l o c k e d  o u t", Film Photo Building Gallery, Hampshire College, Amherst, 2003

"Junge Akademie", Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 2002

"l o g - i n / l o c k e d  o u t", New School University / Parsons School of Design, New York, 2001

"Theater der Natur und Kunst", Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin, 2000

"l o g - i n / l o c k e d  o u t", Digital Media Center for the Arts, Yale University, New Haven, 2000

"l o g - i n / l o c k e d  o u t", HyperKult, Universität Lüneburg, 1999

"video cult/ures", ZKM | Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe, 1999

"Portraits", Trans Hudson Gallery, New York, 1999

"l o g - i n / l o c k e d  o u t", N5M3, Conference on Tactical Media, Amsterdam, 1999

"The Luminous Image", Lubelski Gallery, New York / Velan Centro per l´arte contemporanea, Turin, 1998

"Ugly Casting 1.1.", Art Resources, New York, 1998

"ravages/Baustelle", Hybrid WorkSpace, documenta X, Kassel, 1997

"Short Cuts", DASA, Dortmund, 1997

"Scans: X-ray Film Strip", Columbia University, New York, 1997

"Mrs. Olga de Mooy", UTV, u.a. NGBK, Berlin / Shedhalle Zürich / Depot, Wien, 1996

"Aus der Eisenzeit - Übersetzungsformen der Moderne", K3, Hamburg, 1994


Published (selection)

Leidloff, G.: "Ugly Casting 1.9.", "Stop and Motion", in: Stowarzyszenie OFFicyna, Os´rodek Teatralny Kana (ed.), "22. dokumentART". Szczecin 2013.

Hüppauf, B.: "Eine neue Unschärfe", in: Gaßner, H. / Koep, D. (eds.), "Unscharf. Nach Gerhard Richter". Ostfildern 2011.

Vollmer, T. / Koppen, G.: "Das Gas-Gefäss Mensch - Aufbruch", in: Vollmer, T. / Koppen, G. (eds.), "Die Erkrankung des Raumes". München 2010.

Poeppel, D. / Stroud, C.: " The Nature of Face Recognition", in: Hüppauf, B. / Wulf, C. (eds.), "Dynamics and Performativity of Imagination". New York 2009.

Leidloff, G. / Singer, W.: "Neurowissenschaft und zeitgenössische Kunst", in: Hüppauf, B. / Weingart, P. (eds.), "Frosch und Frankenstein". Bielefeld 2009.

Winters, U.: "Brückenbauer zwischen den Kulturen", in: Breuer, R. (ed.), "Gehirn & Geist" Dossier. Heidelberg 2008.

Weltzien, F.: "Bilder, die von selbst entstehen", in: May, S. (ed.), "Mächte". Hannover 2008.

Hubert, M.: "Die Ästhetik der Neuronen", in: SWR2 "Wissen". Südwestrundfunk, 21. 2. 2008.

Leidloff, G. / Singer, W.: "Neuroscience and Contemporary Art", in: Hüppauf, B. / Weingart, P. (eds.), "Science Images and popular Images of the Sciences". New York 2007.

Bader, J.: "No Help in Believing" / Gisbourne, M.: "'Forgetful of the Shadows Speed'. The Works of Gabriele Leidloff", in: Patsyukov, V. (ed.), "Victory over the Sun". Moskau 2007.

Poeppel, D. / Stroud, C.: "Gesichtserkennung aus der Perspektive der kognitiven Neurowissenschaften", in: Hüppauf, B. / Wulf, C. (eds.),"Bild und Einbildungskraft". München 2006.

Winters, U.: "Brückenbauer zwischen den Kulturen", in: Breuer, R. (ed.), "Gehirn & Geist". Heidelberg 2006. (pdf)

Casini, S.: "The enchanting World of Gabriele Leidloff", in: FitzGerald, P. (ed.), "Circa" Art Magazine. Dublin 2006.

Hüppauf, B.: "Image and Imagination", in: Thompson, M. / Bronner, S. (eds.), "Logos", A Journal of Modern Society and Culture. New York 2005.

Blume, E.: "Neue Wege an der Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft", in: "Deutschland", Societäts-Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Auswärtigen Amt, 2004. (pdf: english, french, spanish, portuguese, russian, turkish)

Hüppauf, B.: "Images of the Sciences and Scientists in visual Media", in: Lubelski, A. (ed.), "NY Arts Magazine". New York 2003.

Mejias, J.: "Fette Schenkel bedeuten fette Preise", in: "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", Feuilleton, Seite 38, 4.12.2003. (pdf)

Singer, W.: "Art or Science", in: Thompson, M. / Bronner, S. (eds.) "Logos", A Journal of Modern Society and Culture. New York 2002.

Leidloff, G.: "l o g - i n / l o c k e d o u t", Katalog. Berlin 2001. (pdf)

Leidloff, G.: "Ugly Casting 1.2.", in: Bredekamp, H. / Brüning, J. / Weber, C. (eds.), "Theater der Natur und Kunst. Theatrum naturae et artis". Berlin 2001.

Dressler, I.: "Vergiss nicht zu sterben!", in: Drüh, S. / Richard, B. (eds.), "Kunstforum International, Choreografie der Gewalt". Ruppichteroth 2001.

Singer, W.: "Kunst oder Wissenschaft", in: Bredekamp, H. / Brüning, J. / Weber, C. (eds.), "Theater der Natur und Kunst. Theatrum naturae et artis". Berlin 2000.

Zangemeister, W. H.: "Ad Gabriele Leidloff: Video of a Moving Visual Object", in: Frohne, U. (ed.), "video cult/ures. multimediale Installationen der 90er Jahre". Köln 1999.

Leidloff, G.: "l o g - i n / l o c k e d o u t", in: Breidbach, O. / Clausberg, K. / Dencker, K.P. (eds.), "Video, ergo sum". Hamburg 1999.

Leidloff, G.: "Goethe", in: Sand, O. J. (ed.), "New York Contemporary Art Report". Bern 1999.

Zimnik, N.: "`Give me a body`. Deleuze` Time Image and the Taxonomy of the Body in the Work of Gabriele Leidloff", in: Roberts, J. (ed.), "Enculturation". Arlington 1998.

Roberts, C.: "Ugly Casting", in: hARTware projekte e.V. (ed.), "Short Cuts: Anschlüsse an den Körper". Dortmund 1997.

Kelly, R.: "The Flight of the Crows", in:
- Abel, J. / Galitz, R. / Schömel, W. (eds.), "Hamburger Ziegel. Jahrbuch für Literatur". Hamburg 1996.
- McNamara, K. (ed.), "Archipelago" online journal


More links, further information

Meike Wolfschlag: Gabriele Leidloff – Vermittlerin zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft

PhotoArts Gallery, Gabriele Leidloff, X-rays & Photographs

Kunst als Wissenschaft - Wissenschaft als Kunst, Gabriele Leidloff

Liselotte Hermes da Fonseca, Tod und Museum, Ar/ge Kunst Galerie Museum

Michael Salcman, Postmodernism and the Art of Gabriele Leidloff, Columbia University

Journal of Neuro-Aesthetic Theory, W. H. Zangemeister, Ad Gabriele Leidloff: Video of a Moving Visual Object

Film-Philosophy, David Martin-Jones, A Site for Sore Eyes, On the Film/Image

Short Cuts: Anschlüsse an den Körper, Catsou Roberts, Presse


ZKM | Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe

ASCI, Art & Science Collaborations